A diversified approach to corporate social responsibility
Lawrence Chia
Chairman, Pico Group

There are numerous ways to implement corporate social responsibility, from sponsorships to engaging stakeholders in community work. As Pico’s Chairman related in his Headline Finance column, when looking at all the options, companies must consider whether the activities are aligned with their own CSR mission.

Pico’s involvement in community work is quite diverse. One recent example is its sponsorship of fabrication services, furniture, exhibition displays and PA systems for the exhibition and award ceremony of ‘GrandChampions Elder Appreciation Photography Competition’ by the Mighty Oaks Foundation, an elderly service organization. For Pico, in this case, it is a matter of using a form of its own expertise to give back to the community.

Another CSR consideration is budget; but not every project needs a lot of resources. The ‘Earth Hour’ held last week, for example, simply encouraged individuals and companies to switch off unnecessary lights and electronics for an hour to raise awareness of environmental protection – while spending relatively little.

*The above is a summary of the original Chinese article.

The full insights article was first published in Headline Finance on 4 April 2019 (in Chinese only). 

Headline Finance has granted Pico permission to publish the article on all online and offline communications channels operated by Pico, as well as the channels of all our subsidiaries and affiliates.

Source: Headline Finance (E-newspaper versionWebpage version), 4 April 2019